Important Notice
Please note that Document Submissions (and completion of this Nominee Form) are NOT permitted beyond the deadline of September 13th at 11:59PM. Any submissions after this deadline will not be included on your nomination file. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Thank you for your cooperation.
Congratulations on your nomination for the Proud of Them Youth Awards!
The Ministry of Youth, Sports & Heritage seeks to publicly recognise the positive achievements of 15 young people of the Cayman Islands. Honourees will be featured on billboards established across the Cayman Islands.
Suitable young people between the ages of 10 and 25 years will be recognised in one (1) or two (2) awarding categories of Academics, Career, Business, Sports, Culture or Community Service. Nominations are encouraged from every district so that Honourees have a direct and relevant connection to young people in their community.
In addition to the 15 Honourees, two (2) Rising Stars will also be identified (in the 16th and 17th place total scores) as the nation expands its recognition of outstanding youth.
Please continue to review all notices related to the Proud of Them Awards, including:
Nomination Parameters
The Nomination Process
The Role of Nominators
Awarding Categories
After your review, you will be prompted to indicate that you have read all prior notices, and finally, you will complete your Proud of Them Nomination Form by uploading some information/evidence to support your nomination.
Please note that this form and your uploaded documents CANNOT BE SAVED and revisited at a later date. To complete this process, you must upload all requested documents and ‘submit’. You can click here to see what documents are being requested (as these may vary based on the awarding category you are being nominated within).
Nomination Parameters
Please ensure that you meet the below parameters for all Nominees:
Are Caymanian or Have the Right to Be Caymanian
Are between the ages of 10 - 25 years old
Have demonstrated a high level of attainment or excellence in the Awarding Category (and as a Nominee you are willing to provide additional documentation/evidence to support this)
Understand that you cannot be nominated for more than the maximum of two (2) Awarding Categories (in Academics, Career, Business, Sports, Culture or Community Service)
Nomination Process
Members of the public have been encouraged to put forward nominations for exceptional Caymanian youth (such as you!)
The Nomination Process consists of these steps:
Persons (i.e. Nominators) who would like to make a nomination for the Proud of Them Youth Awards, must review all notices and then complete the online Nomination Form. Nominations should be submitted early as possible. (Self-Nominations are permitted.)
An automatic email is then sent to the Nominee explaining that you (the Nominee) have been nominated (anonymously) by a community member. You will be asked to submit additional documents as evidence to support your nomination. These documents are required to “complete a nomination” and must be submitted (by you) on/before the deadline of 13th September 2024 (at 11:59PM) for your nomination to be considered.
Once these documents are submitted, a Selection Committee reviews your nomination and will determine the 15 Proud of Them Honourees, along with the 2 Rising Stars. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
The Role of Nominees
The only requirement for Nominees (such as yourself) is to complete this Nomination Form by; providing a short testimonial about why you deserve to be selected, submitting two (2) reference letters and listing any previous awards you may have received. You are also encouraged to submit additional information (however this is optional and you may elect not to upload additional information.) Only short-listed youth will be contacted.
Awarding Categories
There are six (6) Proud of Them Awarding Categories. Please ensure that your youth is nominated for no more than the maximum of two (2). Below, you will see some of the criteria the Selection Committee is looking for from its candidates. This is guidance only and does not represent an exhaustive list:
For fairness and consistency, the following Quality Markers are used to broadly evaluate all nominations across the Awarding Categories (i.e. Academics, Career, Business, Sports, Culture or Community Service).
The following Quantity Markers are MANDATORY for all nominations:
References: You are required to upload two (2) Reference Letters.
Awards: You must list 1-3 Awards you have achieved that show proof of significant accomplishments, excellence or achievement. I.e. may include Trophies, Awards Certificates and other forms of commendation.
The following Quantity Markers are OPTIONAL for all nominations. You can choose to complete this section to share more information about the organisations/clubs you are involved in, the impact you have made (in the Awarding Category) and how you have represented the Cayman Islands at showcases, competitions or in other major ways.
Membership: You can opt to list the names of 1-3 organisations you are involved in
Impact: You can list any events, activities or initiatives you have helped coordinate or you have been very involved in. These are activities where your engagement has made a lasting/significant contribution to the Awarding Category. Your dedication, attendance and involvement all demonstrate the big impact you have made.
Representation: You can opt to list any instances where you have been endorsed to represent the Cayman Islands at a substantial level, either locally/regionally/internationally through competitions, showcases or other formats that entail a competitive selection process. I.e. Share how you have represented the country, your community or school/university in a big way.
Miscellaneous: Feel free to upload 1-3 documents that can provide additional evidence to support your nomination as a Proud of Them Honouree.
Nominee Information
Please submit your information as follows